Our Myth Busters Explore
Seasonal allergies can be an absolute nuisance, with the incessant itching and sneezing leaving you feeling miserable and helpless. While there are ways to manage symptoms using over-the-counter drugs, many people today are looking for natural remedies that provide relief without the side effects of traditional antihistamines. That’s where locally grown honey comes in! It’s been used for years as a natural remedy for reducing allergy symptoms, but does it really work? Unfortunately, the short answer is no. While some people may think it provides relief, there isn’t much data or research to back that up.
Despite some anecdotal evidence claiming the benefits of locally grown honey for allergy symptoms, a 2002 study published in Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology revealed that consuming one tablespoon daily does not provide any benefit. The research involved 64 people with allergies who were divided into three groups – those receiving local unfiltered/unpasteurized honey; national filtered/pasteurized honey; or corn syrup with synthetic flavorings acting as placebos. Findings showed no improvement from either type of honey against a placebo when standard care was given alongside consumption.
What About Birch-Pollen Infused Honey?
A study conducted in 2011 revealed an unexpected benefit for those suffering from birch pollen allergies. Forty-four patients with a physician diagnosis were given either no honey, regular honey, or special birch pollen-infused honey (BPH). At the conclusion of the nine-month trial period, only the BPH group experienced significant improvement in their symptoms score.
Both studies appear to reach the same conclusion: participants consuming locally grown honey without doctored additional birch pollen failed to see improvement in their allergy symptoms. This result emphasizes just how important it is for people with allergies to consider not only what they consume but also how and where those products are sourced!
Myth: Busted!
So while many people believe that local honey is a natural remedy for allergies, the evidence and data simply don’t bear this out. Eating local honey may provide some relief from seasonal allergies due to the small amounts of pollen in the honey, but it is unlikely to have any long-term impact on an allergy sufferer’s symptoms. In fact, medical experts recommend that people with severe allergies avoid eating honey altogether as even trace levels of allergens can cause major reactions.
Skip the Honey & Turn to Allergy Partners
If you’re seeking a local solution for your allergy struggles, skip the honey and instead give your local Allergy Partners office a call. Allergy sufferers can take advantage of help from local experts backed by a national network of board-certified physicians who are committed to helping stop or even reverse allergy progression. Honey is healthy for most, but diabetics and children under 12 months should avoid it as their bodies may struggle to control glucose levels or be more prone to anaphylaxis reactions due to bee venom allergies.
The best first step to controlling your allergy symptoms is allergy testing. Schedule an appointment with your local Allergy Partners office today!