Recurrent Infections
Recurrent infections are a common problem and can greatly affect work, school, and quality of life. The most common recurrent infections are ear infections, sinus infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia. There are several causes of recurrent infections, including allergies , repeated exposure to viral illnesses (such as in daycare), immune deficiencies, and structural abnormalities (such as enlarged tonsils or adenoids).
An allergist or immunologist is the most appropriate medical professional to evaluate and treat children and adults who are prone to recurrent infections. Request an appointment with our Allergy Partners team by calling (828) 277-1300.
Request an appointment with our Allergy Partners team by finding a location near you today!
The symptoms of recurrent infections will vary depending on the part of the body affected and may include fever, pain, runny nose, cough, or wheeze.
If you are experiencing these infections repeatedly, it may be a sign of an underlying issue, including allergies. Contact Allergy Partners to discuss your symptoms and receive an accurate diagnosis, so appropriate treatment can be prescribed to help address, manage, and relieve the issue.

Sorting out why someone is having repeated infections starts with a detailed history focusing on the type of infections and how often they occur, how they have been treated previously, and to what the person has been exposed. A physical exam is needed to look for anatomic issues. To evaluate for allergic triggers, allergy skin testing is recommended.
Blood tests may be recommended to evaluate the immune system, and X-rays or CT scans may be performed to detect any internal abnormalities. Lung function tests may also be performed for severe respiratory symptoms to ensure your lungs are working properly. With an accurate diagnosis of what’s causing your recurrent infections, our Allergy Partners team can create an individualized treatment plan.
Four Steps to Relief

Planning Your First Visit
Schedule an appointment at your local office and fill out our pre-registration and medical history forms to help minimize any wait time when you arrive.

Your First Visit
Your initial visit will consist of a consultation, review of your medical history and a comprehensive exam to build a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Diagnostics and Testing
We may complete one or more tests to better understand the cause of your symptoms. Common tests include skin testing, pulmonary testing, and blood testing.

Following the evaluation and testing, we’ll provide a comprehensive diagnosis and implement a personalized treatment plan that will deliver relief.

Our dedicated team of allergists are here to help you identify and understand the root causes of recurrent infections. We will work with you to develop a personal treatment plan that may include any of the following:
- Allergy treatments – If allergies are identified, an allergist will work with you to create a treatment strategy that may involve environmental controls, medications, and/or immunotherapy.
- Antibiotics – It is important to treat infections thoroughly when they occur, so your doctor may prescribe a round of antibiotics.
- Hygiene –Practicing proper hygiene may help minimize the risk of developing infections.
- Immunizations – Your allergist will want to make sure you are receiving the necessary vaccines to prevent certain infections.
The Allergy Partners Difference
The physicians at Allergy Partners are specially trained in the evaluation and treatment of recurring infections. We will help determine the cause of your recurring infections and work with you to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your specific health needs.