/ Providers / Tom Fame, MD

Tom Fame, MD
Dr. Tom Fame is the second oldest of nine children, born in Rochester, NY. He worked at his father’s bar and restaurant growing up, and later moved to Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado training in medicine while serving in the U.S. Air Force. Dr. Fame, his wife Leah, and their three girls moved to Salem in 1992 where he has practiced allergy ever since.
Dr. Fame is a member of the Salem Rotary Club where he served as president in 2002. He has won several civic awards including consistently being named the TOP DOC in Allergy by The Roanoker Magazine, the 2016 Salem Outstanding Citizen, the 2011 Roanoke Chapter of the NAACP Citizen of the Year – Medicine, the2009 Salem-Roanoke Country Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year
Pet Allergy Avoidance Strategies
Enjoy your relationship with your pets to the fullest — without avoiding them!
Dust Mite Allergy
What is it in house dust that causes the severe immune response known as allergy?
Medical School
University of Texas Medical Center – Houston
University of Oklahoma – Children’s Hospital
National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine – Denver Colorado
Bachelors of Science in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Buffalo, Masters in Public Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health